Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pictures of the forms

I took some pictures last night of the forms while I finished cutting them out.

There are 5 forms. A center form and then an A and B template.  I cut out all three shapes and then used the router to duplicated the A and B forms.  Using the router on the copies takes about 30 seconds as opposed to the hour it takes to lay out the whole thing and then cut it out with a circular saw.


I was fairly annoyed when I put in the end forms and all the center forms fell out. I don’t know how you are supposed to get them all to stand up.  Patience will win I suppose you just have to make sure everything is right before you start gluing


I also included some pictures of how the seams are lining up in the plywood.  As you can see some places the seams are perfect and in others there is a gap of about 3/16”  I am waiting to get the forms in place to start working on fixing the gaps.  They say you can have gaps as big as 1 cm and still be fine but I just don’t think Norm Abrams would approve of that.  Of course he would build the whole damn boat in 30 minutes but that is a different story.

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